The Space and Earth exhibition at the Museum of Earth Sciences is open! SADKO-1-M is now just handsome, on a plastic stand and with a sign! A small but real MCC (Missions Control Center) is working, the posters are magnificent, the dean of the MSU FSR made a speech, and then, together with his deputy, answered questions about what, as it turns out, worries scientific teams in reality: how much space debris is in orbit in pieces and in tons, is it harmful when satellites burn up in the atmosphere, what is "burial orbit", is it true that SADKO-1-M is made in full size, is it possible to enlighten the upper layers of the earth's surface from space, is it possible to press buttons on the MCC computer, will there be photographs at the exhibition, taken according to the calculations of Astrodynamics and where we will fly next. The start is given, the flight is normal! Come visit and experience the beautiful