
S.P. Korolev 118 years anniversary!

Today, Astrodynamics, together with all progressive humanity, is celebrating 118 years since the birth of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, Chief Designer of OKB-1, Chairman of the Board of Directors and simply the father of practical cosmonautics and the initiator of the creation of numerous space flagships manned, automatic, etc. 🤩
It is not for nothing that he often appeared in the memoirs of employees under the mighty nickname "Korol" ("The King" in Russian, you know 🤩 ), it is not for nothing that we remember the founding fathers of cosmonautics in other countries better if they say "Korolev of X counry". Even the first sputnik's nickname, as you know, is a ``PS"", i.e. the "prosteyshiy sputnik" ("simplest satellite"), and not a joint venture (as it should be according to state standarts GOST), because the ``SP'' is Korolev himself.
So let's give a word to the classics of scientific journalism, namely Yaroslav Golovanov and his "Sketches about scientists":
"There, in the sky, was his work. When the space rocket rose from the solar ball of fire, he was not a bystander. In those short seconds, his whole life, his passion, the pain of failure, and delight in the power of man, and a hot wave of gratitude to people – these people who are here, nearby, and who are far away, and joy tickled his throat because these people gave him and themselves this happiness – the happiness of victory.

These seconds were the result of all the advice of like–minded people, all the arguments of opponents, the result of insights and quarrels, the result of crossed-out drawings, the wild roar of test benches, the result of short reports in the strict offices of the Kremlin and sleepless nights in a small house in the place where people came up with a beautiful non-Russian name - Baikonur."
And, since tomorrow is the Old Style New Year, let's quote that too.:
"... He was born on the night of December 31st. Many years from now, Earth's astronauts, flying in their most advanced starships to other worlds, will raise a toast to this man on New Year's Eve."
Let's fill our glasses up and say: Sergey Pavlovich, thank you very much. Hurrah, comrades! The Space is ours! 🥂